Quantitative Immunology

Registration is now closed as the meeting is oversubscribed. You can watch the live stream, or the videos once they are posted.
Feb 26, 2025Feb 28, 2025
407 Jadwin Hall, PCTS


Event Description

Organizers: Andrea Graham; Julia Merkenschlager; Alexander Ploss; Colin Scheibner; Ned Wingreen

The immune system functions across diverse scales, from the recognition of molecules to the evolution of populations. At all these levels, recent experimental innovations and theoretical approaches have created unprecedented opportunities for novel quantitative insights. This workshop will bring together leaders from diverse scientific backgrounds (e.g. molecular and systems immunology, molecular biology, physics, ecology, and evolution) to share their expertise, identify central questions, and highlight opportunities for interdisciplinary actions. By synthesizing recent experimental advances, e.g. deep resolution of immune cell repertoires, precise genetic control of model organisms, and advanced imaging, and theoretical innovations, e.g. statistical mechanics, systems biology, and biophysics, we aim to illuminate new frontiers of quantitative measurement and modeling.  Through an interdisciplinary lens, this workshop will place diverse subfields in dialogue, provoke new questions,  and identify promising areas for future collaboration.

The workshop will include contributed lightning talks and a poster session by the lightning talk presenters, only.  If you are interested in presenting, please complete the relevant sections on the registration form to be considered – note this is optional and not required for registration.  The deadline for submissions is January 31. We will contact you via email with more information after January 31.  

 Registration is free, but required for in person attendees. Use the registration link on the top of this page. 

We will be live streaming and recording the talks.  The videos will be posted at the conclusion of the workshop. 

  • PCTS
  • CHW (Center for Health and Wellbeing)
  • MOL (Department of Molecular Biology)
  • Ludwig Princeton Branch
  • LSI
  • Collaborative Research Center Predictability in Evolution (DFG)
  • CZI (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative)