Nonadiabatic dynamics, electron-phonon interactions, and spin-phonon couplings

Apr 30, 2025May 2, 2025
407 Jadwin Hall, PCTS


Event Description

Organizers:  Xuezhi Bian (Princeton),  Jonathan Fetherolf (Princeton), Sharon Hammes-Schiffer (Princeton), David Reichman, (Columbia), Joseph Subotnik (Princeton)

Understanding the coupled dynamics of nuclei, electrons and spins lies at the heart of many problems in condensed matter physics, chemical physics and biophysics.  Historically distinct fields have often approached these problems from different angles, using different methods and language. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from each of these areas with the goal of making progress on problems of mutual interest and exploring new opportunities.  Topics will include the modeling of electron-phonon interactions, nonadiabatic dynamics, spin torque and spin decoherence,  chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) and novel routes to superconductivity.
