Organizers: Suvendu Giri (Perimeter Institute), Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute), Nils Siemonsen (Princeton University),
George Wong (Princeton University, IAS)
The high precision afforded by gravitational waves and black hole imaging observations have begun to open up the opportunity to test the black hole paradigm. As observations continue to improve, the need to better understand theoretical models of black hole mimicking ultra compact objects is becoming increasingly urgent. This workshop aims to bridge the gap by bringing together the three key communities working on complementary aspects of the problem—gravitational wave observations, black hole imaging, and well motivated theoretical modeling.
With a series of talks, reviews, updates, and discussions, this workshop aims to connect theoretical developments with current and future observations, stimulate discussions across disciplines, identify open problems, and brainstorm a roadmap to map the most productive path forward.
Please Note:
- We are accepting Flash Talk abstracts. For consideration, please complete the section on the registration form no later than February 15.
- Registration is free, but required. PCTS workshops are open only to active researchers, not to the general public (unless otherwise indicated.)
- We will be live streaming the talks. We will also record the talks and post the video links on this website approximately one month after the meeting.