Transport in Disordered Environments

Jan 23, 2019Jan 25, 2019
PCTS, Jadwin Hall, Room 407


Event Description

Organizers: Ian Bourg, Sujit Datta, & Andrej Košmrlj

Understanding how environmental disorder impacts transport is a long-standing problem of fundamental interest in mathematics and physics. Interest in this problem has recently become revitalized due to advances in experimental and simulation tools demonstrating the central importance of transport processes in biological, environmental, geological, and engineering situations ranging from processes inside cells and tissues to oil recovery and contaminant removal from porous rocks.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together theorists and experimentalists to discuss problems related to fluid and solute transport in disordered environments and to nucleate new collaborations. Ultimately, we hope to generate a unified framework by which we can understand—and potentially control—transport in disordered environments.