Novel Ideas for Dark Matter 2019

Jan 14, 2019Jan 16, 2019
PCTS, Jadwin Hall, Room 407


Event Description

Organizers: Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton University); Oren Slone (PCTS, Princeton University); Tomer Volansky (Tel Aviv University)

Dark matter research is undergoing a paradigm shift. Over the last few years, many novel theories have been proposed that challenge the standard assumptions made about dark matter. At the same time, new observations and simulation results are providing valuable clues regarding the most fruitful directions moving forward. The “Novel Ideas for Dark Matter 2019” workshop at Princeton University attempts to bridge the gap between communities working on non-standard solutions to the dark matter problem. Plenary talks on theory, observations and simulations will be structured into a three day schedule that will provide a broad overview of research avenues of this type. The workshop aims to promote conversations between research communities with ample time for open discussion.

  • PCTS
  • The Kuncik-LaFleur Endowment for Princeton Physics