Organizers: Sergey Frolov (University of Pittsburgh,) Michael Gullans, Jason Petta, Shivaji Sondhi, Hakan Tureci
The field of quantum information science has matured dramatically in the past few years, transitioning from a purely academic enterprise to one with industry and national lab involvement. Experiments involving several qubits are routine and most qubit platforms can now support fidelities capable of quantum error correction. The purpose of this PCTS program is to provide a status update on the leading quantum technologies and cover emerging platforms that may be more resilient to errors. Research questions that will be discussed include: 1) What are the requirements for a realistic quantum supremacy demonstration, where a small quantum computer may be able to outperform the most advanced classical computer? 2) What are the prospects for implementing quantum error correction? 3) What is the smoking gun experiment that would convincingly demonstrate the existence of a Majorana mode for topological quantum computing? In the context of gate-based quantum computing, what are the limitations of topological systems? 4) For many-qubit systems, full quantum state tomography is impractical. What are alternative measures for characterizing many-body entanglement and quantum process fidelities?