The Future of Topological Materials

Oct 2, 2019Oct 5, 2019
PCTS, Jadwin Hall, Room 407


Event Description

Organizers: Andrei Bernevig, Princeton University; Biao Lian, Princeton University; Shuichi Murakami, Tokyo Tech; Abhinav Prem, Princeton University; Takao Sasagawa, Tokyo Tech; Kenichi Uchida NIMS, Japan; Yizhi You, Princeton University

After more than a decade since the first proposals of topological insulators, the theories and experiments of topological materials today have reached maturity. Some databases have been constructed for exhaustive search of topological materials, and we have a long list of topological material candidates. We are now moving to a new stage of research, to select and develop good topological materials for future applications and intriguing topological systems for scientific interests. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers on topological materials, transport and spintronics to foster scientific collaborations, and to discuss future directions towards their applications. This workshop is co-organized by JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency).

  • PCTS
  • JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency)