Organizers: Adam Burrows; W. Raphael Hix (ORNL); Michael Zingale (Stony Brook); Sean Couch (MSU); Daniel Kasen (Berkeley); Christopher Fryer (LANL)
We are the result of nearly 14 billion years of cosmic evolution, stretching back to the Big Bang. One essential step in this history is the formation of the chemical elements of which we and our planet are made.
Beginning minutes after the Big Bang with the fusion of newly formed neutrons and protons into helium and other light elements, this chemical evolution links us to the lives and deaths of stars, from the Galaxy's formation to the present day. In the roughly hundred years since Eddington suggested that the stars could be powered by the transmutation of the elements, our understanding of this chemical evolution has matured greatly. This PCTS program will cover the underlying theory for the catastrophic, violent nucleosynthetic events at the intersection of nuclear physics, neutrino physics, gravitation, and stellar astronomy that are major sites of element production. Topics to be explored include modeling the lives of massive stars, the r-process, modeling the deaths of massive stars in supernova explosions, modeling neutron-star mergers, and simulating proto-neutron star winds. The major goals of the program are to assess the readiness of advanced high-performance computing codes to study these environments, to facilitate the employment of these tools to simulate supernova explosions and the merger of neutron stars, and to advance physical fidelity of the associated nucleosynthetic calculations.
This meeting is by invitation only.