Organizers: Chase Broedersz (LMU Munich); Anna Frishman (PCTS); Pierre Ronceray (PCTS)
The tremendous developments of biological engineering and microscopy techniques have made it possible to monitor non-equilibrium fluctuations and breaking of detailed balance in active systems, from single molecules to living cells. While many such studies have flourished in the past few years, there remains a gap between the current methods employed to analyze such experimental data, and the full power of stochastic thermodynamics frameworks. This meeting will be an occasion to bridge this gap by bringing together three communities: experimentalists with an interest in out-of-equilibrium microscopic systems, theoretical biophysicists working directly on the interpretation of such data, and more abstract statistical physicists that are currently developing and expanding the scope of out-of-equilibrium physics. As an overarching goal, we hope to get everyone to think about what insights might be gained from this research: why should we be measuring entropy production? What can we hope to learn about living and inert systems by monitoring and analyzing non-equilibrium steady-states and fluctuations?