Gravitational Wave Astrophysics During the Next LIGO Observing Run

Apr 27, 2018Apr 28, 2018
PCTS, Jadwin Hall, Room 407


Event Description

Organizer: Frans Pretorius

The broader gravitational wave community is still digesting the implications of the recent historic multimessenger observation of a binary neutron star merger, as well as the handful of binary black hole merger signals LIGO has so far gathered. LIGO is presently offline, undergoing upgrades to a more sensitive instrument that will begin operation again toward the end of the year. It is thus perfect time to hold a short, focused conference to prepare for what we anticipate will be a significant ramp in the rate of detection of merger events. Experts on the instruments, data analysis, and the physics and astrophysics of compact object mergers have been invited to speak on some of the challenges and opportunities that await, and instigate stimulating discussion with the conference participants on these matters.