Non-WIMP Dark Matter

Nov 11, 2016Nov 13, 2016
PCTS, Jadwin Hall, Room 407


Event Description

Organizers: Yonatan Kahn; Mariangela Lisanti

The gravitational evidence for dark matter has been amassing for nearly a century and now has overwhelming experimental support. Despite this, there has been no unambiguous identification of dark matter in any terrestrial or astrophysical experiment. Discovering the nature of dark matter is one of the most pressing theoretical and experimental questions facing physics today. The standard theoretical paradigm for dark matter, the “WIMP” or weakly interacting massive particle, is becoming increasingly constrained by experiment.  This workshop will bring together high-energy theorists and experimentalists, numerical simulators, cosmologists, and observational astronomers to discuss the most promising approaches to dark matter discovery in regions of parameter space beyond the traditional WIMP.