Hyperuniform State of Matter in Physics, Mathematics and Biology

Dec 14, 2016Dec 16, 2016
PCTS, Jadwin Hall, Room 407


Event Description

Organizers: Salvatore Torquato and Paul Steinhardt

The connections of hyperuniformity to many different areas of fundamental science appear to be profound and yet our understanding of these unusual states of matter is only in its infancy. The aim of this program is to foster the interchange of ideas between different fields by bringing together a diverse group of physicists, chemists, materials scientists, mathematicians and biologists to investigate hyperuniformity and its consequences as well as to integrate ideas across fields. Besides disordered hyperuniform materials, the workshop will explore periodic and quasiperiodic materials under the lens of hyperuniformity

  • PCTS
  • PRISM (Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials)
  • PCCM (Princeton Center for Complex Materials)
  • Department of Chemistry