Symposium on Problems in Fault Tolerance

Frontiers in Quantum Computing Program
Feb 20, 2008
Jadwin Hall, A-10


Event Description

Organizers: William Brinkman, Robert Calderbank, Gerald Gilbert, Shivaji Sondhi

The symposium is part of the year long Frontiers in Quantum Computing Program of the PCTP.

Quantum computers offer the remarkable prospect of being capable of solving problems that would otherwise be intractable. In order to realize this prospect, though, it will be necessary to design quantum computers that can operate fault tolerantly in the presence of the inevitable errors that arise in the physical processes of quantum computation. The Symposium on Problems in Fault Tolerance will bring together leading researchers in the field for the purpose of addressing the pressing issues associated to achieving fault tolerance in quantum computers.

For more information and to register for this free mini-symposium and lunch, go on line at

Speakers and Talk Titles:                           

David Cory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Experimental Investigations of Coherent Control and Quantum Error Correction”


Daniel Lidar, University Southern California

"Quantum error correction beyond CP maps and the implications for fault tolerance"


Gerald Gilbert, The MITRE Corporation

 “Operator quantum fault tolerance


Daniel Gottesman, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

  “What is the overhead required for fault tolerance?”


Barbara Terhal, IBM Watson Research Center

 “A comparative code study for quantum fault- tolerance”

The program continued in 2008-2009. Events can be seen here.


  • PCTP (Princeton Center for Theoretical PHYSICS)
  • The MITRE Corporation