Seminar Series: Frontiers in Quantum Computing Program

Sep 27, 2007May 8, 2008


Event Description

Organizers: William Brinkman, Robert Calderbank, and Shivaji Sondhi,  all of Princeton University, and Gerald Gilbert of The Mitre Corporation.

The Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics and The MITRE Corporation will host a year long Seminar Series on Frontiers in Quantum Computing Program and will focus on three aspects of realizing quantum computers: first, the interface between quantum algorithms and physics (can classes of quantum algorithms be mapped into problems interesting to physicists?); second, the design of practical quantum computing hardware and the specialization of algorithms to that hardware; and, third, the possible realization of the "topological quantum computing" approach using quantum many-body systems exhibiting "topological phases."

The Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics is a new, University-funded enterprise dedicated to exploring frontiers across the theoretical natural sciences. Its purpose is to promote interaction among theorists and seed new directions in research, especially in areas cutting across traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Contact: Charlene Borsack, PCTP, [email protected] or 609-258-1398

The program continued in 2008-2009. Events can be seen here.

  • PCTP (Princeton Center for Theoretical PHYSICS)
  • The MITRE Corporation